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Hisoka’s appearance is similar to that of a magician or jester.

He wears makeup, with a red star on his right cheek and a green teardrop on his left cheek. Or alternatively a red tear on his left cheek and a green star on his right cheek. Hisoka changes his outfit in each story arc, but they are usually adorned with the symbols of the card game.
During the 13th President Hunter Election arc, Hisoka is seen wearing two earrings with ornamental hearts. During the Greed Island arc, Hisoka wears his Greed Island ring on his left middle finger.

In his first appearance in the 1999 anime, Hisoka’s hair color is initially blue, but changed to red in the following arc in order to mimic the manga. In the 2011 adaptation, Hisoka has red hair and amber or light eyes. During the York Shin City arc in the manga, Hisoka dyes his hair light green.

Hisoka’s appearance is similar to that of a magician or jester.

He wears makeup, with a red star on his right cheek and a green teardrop on his left cheek. Or alternatively a red tear on his left cheek and a green star on his right cheek. Hisoka changes his outfit in each story arc, but they are usually adorned with the symbols of the card game.
During the 13th President Hunter Election arc, Hisoka is seen wearing two earrings with ornamental hearts. During the Greed Island arc, Hisoka wears his Greed Island ring on his left middle finger.

In his first appearance in the 1999 anime, Hisoka’s hair color is initially blue, but changed to red in the following arc in order to mimic the manga. In the 2011 adaptation, Hisoka has red hair and amber or light eyes. During the York Shin City arc in the manga, Hisoka dyes his hair light green.



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